Sunday, November 25, 2007


This prayer was posted on Mike Brantleys Blog about a month ago. He's a guy thats taught me alot about the journey and how to posture life as a christian. As a christian my intention is to follow the way of the master, Jesus, following listening and growing to know him more. In this journey I want to bring others along the way. At the moment I am posturing my life to reach 20-30 something urbanites. I am aiming to live out in a way which is authentic, Christ-focused and shining the light of Jesus. I am not alone in this journey. I am commiting to a community of faith called Mosaic. This community is centred around Jesus and gets its name from broken fractures of glass which are being put together in the hands of a loving creator to make something that is truly beauty. We are called to be people of faith, know by our love and be a voice of hope to all people.

"We are strangers here
No home to be found.
We love this land and people which encompass us
but this is not home.
We are here for a purposeM
ay be be focused on this.
Simplicity, humility, contentment,all things for which we pray.
May we be found not wanting

Servants of the King
Deference as our motto
Joy in every circumstance - peace reigning true.
Lord God bless and use us,
Favour us for the call for which you brought us here.
Now back to the tasks of the day,
praying like Brother Andrew as we go."

And for my prayer...

Lord I pray that I would be a light to Wellington, I believe you have placed me here for a reason. Lord I ask that you will be my focus, that I would learn to follow you more deeply with all my life. Lord this is a hard road, I ask that you be my strength and my guide, I ask that in this life I may embody the truth of the gospel, being a light to the world. Lord I acknowledge I don't have all the answers and I ask that you bring people around me to strengthen me, to teach me to guide me. Lord I ask that I would be a humble journeyman, sharing the journey with others and sharing the hope that I've found in you - only in you.

To you be the glory, I praise you Lord, my God, my father, my Saviour.

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