Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Who's your designer?

...You are all sons of God through faith
in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were
baptized into Christ have clothed
yourselves with Christ...

I am not a big fashion fanatic. the closest I get to being fashionable is wearing a few random printed r-ahirts with ideas that I think are cool. But I do have an appreciation about fashion. I understand that designers have thier own style and flare. Some designers get know for the intricacy of their designs, or the way that they push boundaries with thier dresses and clothes. People will wear the brand because it is worth something to them. People wear Vasace or Karen Walker, or World because they recognise the hard work that the designers have put into the clothes and appreciate them for the all the hard work they put in and what they do for fresh ideas.

We are driven by the trends around us, we look at what is considered great and quest after this. How we costume ourselves throught dress is often the way  we define it. We dress ourselves to get the attention of those around us, either as trend setters, or as the sheep following the trend setter. But how we dress is often how we get our worth in society. I got to admit, that to gain the attention of freinds, when I was younger I beleive I probrably would have dressed like a bogan if people were dressing that way too (even though now I would look back very embarassed at dressing that way.) I still conform to the way people want me to dress to gain attention and status

I see God as a great designer, and he offers the finest tapestries of all (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, self-control and other accessories.) Yet we have decided that we value other designs over Gods perfect mastership. He offers us awesome gear, yet we pursue something of less worth as we see the cost as too much. Or we buy the rip off brand name item (religion) over the real macciy (a relationship with the master craftman).

Do we value the tapestries that God offers us, are willing to give into his desires for our life, or do we want to dress as a bogan for the rest of our life.

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